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From the January 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I WONDERED sometimes, when I first knew of Science and Health, at what seemed to me to be a strange choice of title, but as I have grown into some understanding of the contents of this marvelous book, I have realized that in this title lies the kernel of the truth of Being, and that it is a concise statement of all that is in the book, and I have come to see that health, and an understanding of true Christian Science are interdependent, and that health, —physical, mental, and spiritual,— is as inevitable a result of Scientific thought as that "if equals be added to equals the result will be equals." Jesus taught that the knowledge of the truth would make us free, and we understand that any one who grasps the truth in Christian Science, knows this freedom and experiences it in exact proportion to his realization of Truth.

Whatever branch of study of material conditions we undertake, we are confronted with an accumulation of facts, a maze of details, either already formulated or still to be formulated, and the very thought grows weary and discouraged before the labor involved. In acquiring Christian Science, the very reverse is true. We must constantly unlearn whatever obscures the one simple statement, "God is all and there is none beside him," or as it is given in Science and Health, p. 492, "God is Mind, and God is All; hence all is Mind." Our task thus grows easy and our hope becomes joy.

As we learn in the study of music that in order to become a master of music it is not enough to love music and to talk about it, and to associate with musicians, but we must put ourselves in accord with the laws of harmony and think musically; so to be perfect, harmonious men and women, we must put ourselves in line with the Principle of true Being.—God,—and to be true Christian Scientists we must think scientifically, for it is not enough to love Science, talk about it and associate ourselves exclusively with Christian Scientists.

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