A MEMBER of the Board of Lectureship was present at a Wednesday evening meeting in one of the churches of Chicago and spoke at some length upon the conversation at the tomb of Lazarus when Martha remarked to Jesus that had he been there her brother would not have died. He said that her thought seems to have been that, if Jesus' human personality had been there the result would have been very different. That is so clear an interpretation that it has led to further thought upon the subject.
Jesus finally met all her thought with those words which have been like a window in the heavens letting down the radiance of Immortality; "I am the resurrection, and the life."
It will be noticed that Jesus spoke of it as a present fact, as a constant reality. Not, I may be; or, Perhaps I shall be some time; or, After death I shall be; but he said, "I am the resurrection and the life." That is, I represent an ever-present, constant reality!