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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science has done so much for me that I wish...

From the January 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science has done so much for me that I wish to express my gratitude to God and the dear Scientists who broke the bread of Life to me in Christ's name. Through Truth as taught in Science and Health by our Leader, Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, I have been able to help others in this far-away corner of Utah.

Two years ago last April I first became acquainted with Christian Science, after being a member of the dominant church of Utah for thirty-five years. I thank the infinite Good that like Paul I am enabled in a measure to put off the old man with his deeds, and to put on the new man, which is -life everlasting. I can tell but little of the truth that has been demonstrated in this small town of Vernal. We are but few in number, but the bread of Life cast on the waters is returning to us after many days.

My first demonstration was over self in June, 1900. The tobacco habit left me after over forty years of constant indulgence, and since that time not one cent's worth of any kind of drugs has been applied either externally or internally. In November, 1900, I received a fracture of the bone four inches above the ankle on the left leg. Thanks to the Science of Life, not one drop of anything was applied. No surgeon was called, no doctor, not a bandage used, and in twenty days after the accident I threw away my crutch, and in forty days after, that leg was as sound as the other.

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