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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

In the fall of 1893, I returned from the World's Fair in Chicago with the old sense of weariness that I knew so wall, and I felt sure that something must be done very soon, if I were to have sufficient strength to go through the school year, which began very soon. My work was that of primary teacher in a public school.

I was confined to my bed for eleven months with a...

I was confined to my bed for eleven months with a running ulcer, the result of a spider bite received while spending the summer in Arkansas. The many months of suffering and the complications which arose from my long confinement left me in a very weakened condition.

Christian Science has done so much for me that I wish...

Christian Science has done so much for me that I wish to express my gratitude to God and the dear Scientists who broke the bread of Life to me in Christ's name. Through Truth as taught in Science and Health by our Leader, Rev.

Every day is a thanksgiving day for the Christian Scientist. How glorious it is to awake every morning with the consciousness that we live, and move, and have our being in God,— universal, unchangeable Good,— and that nothing can harm us.

Sixteen years ago this summer I was suffering with Bright's disease, catarrh of the bladder, and dyspepsia. My food fermented, causing great distress, so I stopped eating different things until my diet was reduced to bread and water, and even that distressed me.

On the Fourth of July, 1902, I went out to celebrate the...

On the Fourth of July, 1902, I went out to celebrate the day and started in with a six-inch cannon cracker. I held it in my right hand and lighted it with the left.

FIVE years ago, I was healed through Christian Science...

FIVE years ago, I was healed through Christian Science of valvular heart disease and dropsy of twenty years' standing. At the time of my healing I was immense in size.

Early in the spring of 1901, I noticed great difficulty in hearing sounds with my right ear. Instead of applying my best understanding of Christian Science to correct the false claim, for a month or so I paid little attention to it.

On July 4, 1898, I was visiting in Wilmington, Del

On July 4, 1898, I was visiting in Wilmington, Del. I awoke in the morning with a very severe pain in my side.

I cannot keep silent any longer, drinking in all the good that comes to me through the Journal, Sentinel , and Quarterly, and not express my gratitude. The very stones would cry out against me.