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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

The blessings that have come to me and to my family through Christian Science are more than can be recounted. It is with a hope that I may help others as I have myself been helped through letters in the Sentinel and Journal that I write these lines.

I became interested in Christian Science in January, 1900. Up to that time I don't suppose I had darkened the door of a church more than a dozen times in thirty-five years.

To reassure and encourage those who have as yet but a small understanding of Christian Science, I give this early experience. Nine years ago this month my only remaining daughter was at the point of death.

In September of 1883 I met with a very serious accident. I fell from the second story of a building and received a compound comminuted fracture of one of my legs midway between ankle and knee, the bone protruding through my trousers into the ground.

Christian Science was first brought to my notice by...

Christian Science was first brought to my notice by a friend who had been healed and who lent me Science and Health, which I tried to read but returned in a short time, remarking that I could not understand it. While I was in Chicago during the World's Fair, staying with acquaintances who are Christian Scientists, and who I knew had experienced wonderful healing, this truth was again brought to my notice and rejected.

Thankfulness for the blessings of Christian Science must find expression, and as the testimonies of others help us, we should reciprocate by sometimes writing our own experience. It seems easier, perhaps, to give these orally at the Wednesday services than to send them to the editors of the Journal and Sentinel ; but we should remember those who are far away from a Christian Science church, and whom a word of encouragement may thus reach through those messengers of Truth and Love so gladly welcomed in many a distant home.

I should like to make known to the sick and unhappy...

I SHOULD like to make known to the sick and unhappy what Christian Science has done for me. I was thought to be a sickly child from my birth.

When I first came to Christian Science in 1897 I was...

When I first came to Christian Science in 1897 I was a very sick woman, entirely discouraged. Soon after I was treated, I began to feel better.

During the year 1881 I was seized with curvature of the spine. By advice of one of the best surgeons of the state, I wore a plaster cast six months, when, as I seemed much improved, it was discarded.

I should like to tell the Field of a beautiful proof of the power of Truth which was given to me last summer. July 14, I received a letter from my boy's house master requesting me to take him home at once, as the doctor at the college thought him seriously unwell, and also that, in his opinion, the boy ought to be taken to see a London brain specialist.