Testimonies of Healing
I wish to give you in a few words the experience which led me to accept Christian Science. As my physical condition was all right with the exception of a few insignificant ailments, my great help was the wonderful spiritual uplifting.
Several weeks ago I was trampled upon by a frightened horse and severely injured. The horse struck me in the back, on my right side, and leg.
It is just a little over a year ago that Christian Science dawned on my befogged consciousness and relieved me. For a period of about three years prior to this I had been suffering from what was designated by some of my physicians as sciatica.
I wish to testify to the fact that Christian Science has enabled me to understand the words. "God is Love.
I Desire through the pages of the Journal to express my love and gratitude to God and to our beloved Leader for her most precious gift to the world in our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and for each of her other books and publications, and the Christian Science periodicals, which are all valuable to us. Words are utterly inadequate to express my gratitude to Mrs.
It was in the fall of 1897 that I first heard of Christian Science. At the first meeting I attended, I was healed of troubles for which I had doctored over ten years without relief.
I should like to express the gratitude I feel for what Christian Science has done for me. I had been a sufferer from rheumatism and locomotor ataxia for more than two years; had consulted doctors and tried all remedies prescribed by them and found no relief.
I wish to tell of the wonderful power of Truth in mental surgery. When I was four years of age I had a severe fall which according to the laws of materia medica, brought on hip-joint disease in its most severe form.
I desire to tell how much I am indebted to Mrs. Eddy's wonderful publications, without which I should still be groping about in the "outer darkness" of error.
When a small boy my right hand was caught between the end of a log and the frozen ground, and the little finger was fractured. From subsequent experiences, I am inclined to think that the bones were splintered into several pieces.