Testimonies of Healing
Hoping that my testimony will be beneficial to some who think themselves in the same condition of belief, in other words, under the bondage of hereditary troubles, I wish to say, my mother died with cancer and my father had cancer also, though it was not the cause of his death. My grand-father died with the same trouble, and as a natural consequence I thought that I and my family were all destined to have the same disease, sooner or later.
In my mother's name I wish to give a testimonial and history of her illness to the Journal, so that the readers thereof may profit by it as she did by those that appeared in our periodicals. About last April my mother was taken to her bed.
About two and a half years ago we first heard of Christian Science. A cousin, having tried all that materia medica had to offer, and finding no relief, was told of Christian Science, and there obtained that for which she had sought in vain through material means.
For about thirty years I suffered almost constantly from so-called nervous diseases until March, 1902. In my experience human existence was very largely a torture of dyspepsia, insomnia, and melancholia, which I now know to be illusions of mortal sense, and which are not comprised in the facts of Being.
Several times I have tried to express my gratitude in words for what Christian Science has done for me, but each time the words seemed utterly cold and inadequate to convey any realization of the peace and happiness I experienced when I first caught a glimpse of the truth which frees us from our Egyptian taskmasters. A longing, such as only a sick mother knows, a longing to be well and able to care for my children, led me to investigate Christian Science.
It is over two years since I began Christian Science treatment. I had then been nine months in England on sick leave from India, and had shortly before been told by a medical board that I had "organic disease of the liver," and that I ought to go to Hamburg or some such place for treatment.
I desire to express my gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me, through the pages of our periodicals, in the hope it will catch the eye of some poor sufferer, and bring him to the truth which makes free. About eight years ago I was afflicted with what is termed blood poison.
I think I have never so truly appreciated the value of our Journal as I did on one occasion last week. I received word to go to see a lady, who had been suffering with a seemingly severe illness for some months.
It is through the understanding of Christian Science as taught by Mrs. Eddy that I am living to-day.
My whole heart goes out in deepest gratitude to God for the benefits I have received from Christian Science, as taught by Mrs. Eddy in her book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.