Testimonies of Healing
I should like to express the gratitude I feel for what Christian Science has done for me. I had been a sufferer from rheumatism and locomotor ataxia for more than two years; had consulted doctors and tried all remedies prescribed by them and found no relief.
It was in the fall of 1897 that I first heard of Christian Science. At the first meeting I attended, I was healed of troubles for which I had doctored over ten years without relief.
I wish to tell of the wonderful power of Truth in mental surgery. When I was four years of age I had a severe fall which according to the laws of materia medica, brought on hip-joint disease in its most severe form.
I desire to tell how much I am indebted to Mrs. Eddy's wonderful publications, without which I should still be groping about in the "outer darkness" of error.
When a small boy my right hand was caught between the end of a log and the frozen ground, and the little finger was fractured. From subsequent experiences, I am inclined to think that the bones were splintered into several pieces.
I was virtually snatched from the grave by Christian Science. My mother's family, most of them, passed away with consumption.
One year ago last July during the very hot weather, my youngest boy. thirteen years of age, was kicked by a horse, and his left leg broken just above the knee.
It is time that this tardy acknowledgment of the healing which Christian Science brought to me be given to the Field. In the fall of 1890 I began to suffer with pain in my back and hip, and, as the weeks went by, it became more severe.
In March, 1895, my whole system seemed to collapse, the trouble taking the form of four organic diseases, two of them being inflammation of the stomach and congestion of the liver. Minor troubles, such as rheumatism and neuralgia, also affected me.
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude to God and my thankfulness to our Leader, who has been such a willing instrument in God's hand in bringing to the true consciousness of man a religion that again heals the sick and enables the sinner to forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thought. My healing, which I wish to relate, was the healing of a case of consumption, constipation, and nervousness combined.