Testimonies of Healing
HOPING that the journey of some fellow-traveler may be brightened and encouraged by this sunshine, I send this testimony to our periodicals. Human existence seems to have ushered very many of us into a stormy experience.
While living in Chicago, I was under the doctor's care every day for a long time and employed a specialist for a very severe form of throat trouble,—laryngitis and pharyngitis. Although I had had operations, cauterizing, etc.
I have received many blessing from the study of our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" written by Mrs. Eddy.
About a year ago, I was persuaded to try Christian Science for deafness of over twenty-five years' standing, which was gradually growing worse. Experts told me the drum of the right ear was destroyed and that of the left was also affected; I could not hear ordinary conversation, and at times was almost totally deaf.
Four years ago last June, while in Toledo, O. , I was physically healed of numerous ailments, among them chronic indigestion or nervous gastritis, insomnia, and severe rheumatism, all of about ten years' standing.
Several years ago I had the misfortune to sustain a fracture of the left leg which healed under surgical treatment after a somewhat protracted confinement. After I was able to get about again I experienced more or less difficulty in walking, and was obliged to use a crutch or cane even when traveling a comparatively short distance.
I desire to tell through the Journal of my almost miraculous healing, miraculous to any who have not learned in Christian Science the omnipotence of Truth. In the year 1898 I was under the care of two doctors who told me I was suffering from internal trouble, heart and lung disease, so they thought it desirable to perform a surgical operation.
During the late summer and early autumn days of the year just past we had in our family a case of typhoid fever, which brought out a most beautiful demonstration of the power of Love and Truth over error. The patient was my son, a lad of eighteen, who wanted no treatment but Christian Science, and had no other.
About eight years ago, I first saw Science and Health. I took it up and read a few pages but could not understand it.
I feel impelled to give to the Field some of the good that false pride has many times persuaded me to withhold. I came into this beautiful truth over five years ago, and never once have I been sorry for the step taken.