When I turned to Christian Science I had been a sufferer for seventeen years, and for the last four years I had suffered intensely with several diseases,—lung trouble and heart trouble, etc. I was perfectly wretched. I tried the best physicians available; I tried change of climate, medicinal waters, in fact, I tried well-nigh every material thing but still grew worse. It was while visiting in Louisiana that I heard of Christian Science. My sister mentioned it to me; I would not listen to her, and I got very angry and left her. I soon returned to my home, which at that time was in San Antonio, Tex. I grew worse all the time, I did not care to live, it seemed to me death would be a welcome change. I had not been home long before an abscess formed on the bowels where I had been operated on. I had had three critical operations performed, but nothing did me any good. By this time I was a hopeless wreck. I then thought if the Christian Scientist could heal my sister perhaps she could help me, so I wrote to her.
I was blind, oh so blind! I could not understand. She strove with me patiently for nine months. During that time I read Science and Health, and heard Judge Ewing lecture; that made me so thirsty that I did not rest until I found the blessed truth which frees us from all unrighteousness. I do praise God for the realization that I am His own child. I thank Mrs. Eddy for the good that she has done and is doing. My prayer is that I may, through this testimony, throw out the life-line to some poor sufferer. I thank God that I can now go to Jesus when I am weary and heavy laden, and know that all is well.
Ruston, La.