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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

I shall never forget the joy I felt when the Bible and...

I shall never forget the joy I felt when the Bible and Science and Health were ordained as pastor for all Christian Science services. Perceiving the profound significance of the Lesson-Sermon as a healer, realizing, even as the explanatory note says, that it is "a sermon undivorced from truth, uncontaminated and unfettered by human hypotheses, and authorized by Christ," I began at once to use it.

I should like to tell of a demonstration which was very...

I Should like to tell of a demonstration which was very convincing to me that there is but one Mind. About a year after I was healed and began the study of Christian Science it seemed best for me to take a city examination for teachers.

This testimony was accompanied by the following note

This testimony was accompanied by the following note. The enclosed is the testimony of a young girl in whom I am interested.

From my early childhood I was always ill

From my early childhood I was always ill. For weeks I lay in bed under the doctor's care.

When I turned to Christian Science I had been a sufferer for seventeen years, and for the last four years I had suffered intensely with several diseases,—lung trouble and heart trouble, etc. I was perfectly wretched.

It was some years ago that Christian Science was first brought to my notice. I seemed to be suffering greatly with my eyes, was being treated by a specialist, who obliged me to put on glasses, told me that I should always have to wear them, and warned me to be very careful not to use my eyes for any close work.

When Christian Science was unknown to me and there was no brighter prospect than a continuation of strife and turmoil, I began to loose myself from the obligations of the church which reared me. Praying always for the more abundant life spoken of in John, 10:10.

I love Christian Science more than all else, and my only wish for some time past, has been to devote my whole life to the spreading of this gracious truth that makes us free indeed. The last five years since coming to Science, have been indeed a wonderful revelation to me.

In reading one of the editorials in the March Journal I found a statement which took me back in thought to an experience of several years ago. The statement was this: "Like the little child in the unconsciousness of its sore distress, they have called for one who bore them in his arms.

I feel I have been far too long in writing to the Journal to tell of my thankfulness for Christian Science, the help it has been, and the change it has made in my whole life. Perhaps I waited partly because no words of mine will ever express my real thankfulness.