Sadness and sighing have been the angels in disguise which led me to find the "light that shone in the darkness." An endless longing to lift the arm of the weary toiler, to soothe the brow of the tired and world-sick, a yearning to lead man out of his sense-beclogged, hopeless existence, a far-reaching love and sympathy for the little helpless babe, uncared for and neglected,—these are a very few of the reasons why my heart reached out for the fountain of the living waters which our beloved Teacher and friend, Mrs. Eddy, has so tenderly unfolded to us anew.
Personal sorrow and distress were so little, compared to the utter helplessness with which I stood, mute and motionless, before the sad, suffering, and dying, unable to do one thing to really relieve or lift their burdens from them. It were useless to detail the things which I passed by in this barren wilderness, and my intense suffering alone tells the tale that is past. Now how thankful I am that the light I have "Let be" makes it possible for me to turn from that fruitless season, and know its unreality.
So a weary wanderer is drinking of the water that quenches all thirst, and finding a peace never dreamed of before; and the pure thought of God goes out to the children of the world with a continued re-assurance that it bears much fruit.