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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

When I was only five years old my mother died from...

When I was only five years old my mother died from what the doctor called consumption. Ever since I can remember I have had a cough, and I spent many hours of the night sitting up in bed coughing.

I Have been trying for four years to condense my testimony into suitable space for one of our publications, but each added year brings with it so much of blessing that the half can never be told. As the effort to put it into few words seems futile and I can hesitate no longer after the article, "Now and Then," by our Leader, and "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse," I can only say in the spirit of Martin Luther, Here it is, I cannot do otherwise.

While the testimonies of healing, both in the Journal...

While the testimonies of healing, both in the Journal and the Sentinel, have been very helpful to me, I used to have a feeling of regret that I could not add mine to the list, because I did not come into Christian Science in that particular way. Since then I see that perhaps I have all the more reason to rejoice, because I was liberated from evil habits and vicious thoughts which, at first, I did not care to part with.

When I look back over the past six years, I wonder how I ever existed without the help of Christian Science, and yet I am only just beginning to realize some of the helpful truth for myself. This I hope and pray to do more fully each day that I may help others, as I have been helped, to know that all true peace and happiness must come from within and not from, nor on account of, material environment.

In October, 1897, I had an inflamed eye and went to a physician who gave me atropin to inject. In a short time I could not see with that eye, and I then went to a clinic in Berlin where I was told to take a certain remedy thirty times.

As the testimonies of others is a constant help to us in making our demonstrations we should reciprocate by sometimes giving out some of the good that has come to us. We cannot expect to receive blessings without giving something in return.

I thank God that I was led to ask for treatment, for hay-fever just three years ago, while in the West for the summer. I was entirely cured of this ailment in a very few treatments, and was then treated for my eyes.

I am a "living monument" to the truth of Christian Science

I am a "living monument" to the truth of Christian Science. Four years ago a specialist operated on me for catarrh of the nasal passage.

For some time I have desired to send a testimony to the Journal, but the length at which I would be obliged to write and the inadequacy of words to express the benefits I have received from the study of Christian Science, has always deterred me. To-day, while considering this subject, I perceived the ease with which one can always state facts, so I immediately began to write a statement of some facts regarding my experience.

My coming to Christian Science was from the beginning, the happiest, most satisfying experience I had ever known. For some time, I had sought the explanation of several theological questions, but without success.