Testimonies of Healing
As the testimonies of others is a constant help to us in making our demonstrations we should reciprocate by sometimes giving out some of the good that has come to us. We cannot expect to receive blessings without giving something in return.
I thank God that I was led to ask for treatment, for hay-fever just three years ago, while in the West for the summer. I was entirely cured of this ailment in a very few treatments, and was then treated for my eyes.
I am a "living monument" to the truth of Christian Science. Four years ago a specialist operated on me for catarrh of the nasal passage.
For some time I have desired to send a testimony to the Journal, but the length at which I would be obliged to write and the inadequacy of words to express the benefits I have received from the study of Christian Science, has always deterred me. To-day, while considering this subject, I perceived the ease with which one can always state facts, so I immediately began to write a statement of some facts regarding my experience.
My coming to Christian Science was from the beginning, the happiest, most satisfying experience I had ever known. For some time, I had sought the explanation of several theological questions, but without success.
For a long time I have felt it a duty to write of the wonderful help I have received through Christian Science. When I first heard of Science I was a physical wreck, and had been told by several physicians that I could never be well.
My husband and myself did not come to Christian Science for healing. Our sister-in-law was wonderfully healed, and in a short time.
Christian Science came to my rescue at a time when a dark cloud was hanging over my life, which threatened to wreck utterly my health, and not only my own happiness, but that of my family as well. I had come to a time when the doctors could do no more for me, and I realized that if there were any help for me, it must be beyond human power.
With the sweet, soul-satisfying echoes of the Communion season still lingering in the corridors of thought, and with a larger perception of the great importance to the world at large of this second appearing to human consciousness of God-with-us through the Christ-truth, I cannot feel satisfied to withhold my grateful acknowledgment through our periodicals, of some of the manifold blessings that have come to me through the reception and understanding of Truth as revealed in Christian Science. As I look back over the past twenty years, I see a very young mother with two beautiful children, a son and a daughter.
It is now over four years since I first came to Christian Science for physical healing, and when I look back over these years and see how much I have been benefited, and how greatly my life has been changed since learning of this truth. I cannot find words to express all I feel.