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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

When I read the many expressions of gratitude in the...

When I read the many expressions of gratitude in the Christian Science periodicals,— Journal, Sentinel, and Herold, —from which I have received so much benefit, I feel that I am led to send in a few words to express my thanks for the many blessings which have come to me through Christian Science as taught in the writings of Mary Baker G. Eddy.

Having received so much benefit from the testimonies in...

Having received so much benefit from the testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel, I send mine, hoping it may cheer some struggling heart. At the birth of our last baby, which took place in July, I received treatment from no one; but through the understanding of Christian Science which I had gained, I was enabled to demonstrate for myself.

Eight years ago I was healed in Christian Science of so-called incurable diseases and of many evil habits; of heart trouble dating from childhood, one member of our family having died from this trouble at the age of twenty years. Forty-two years ago I was given exemption from army duty by the army surgeon on account of hypertrophy of the heart, as named in the certificate, signifying enlarged muscles of that organ.

I have witnessed many beautiful demonstrations of...

I have witnessed many beautiful demonstrations of Christian Science. One that was instantaneous brought so much peace to me, and was a means of so much help to others that I will tell it.

For the last ten years Christian Science has been my...

For the last ten years Christian Science has been my only aid in illness, my one hope of gaining true happiness. While seeking to be well at a famous "Health Institution," where kindness from physicians, treatments of many kinds, lovely out-of-door surroundings, etc.

For the last nine years I have known of Christian Science, and I was led to it through the healing of my wife. I had been greatly troubled with pain in the small of my back, rheumatism, and hemorrhoids.

Being German by nationality and my husband a saloon-keeper, when I first heard of Christian Science I thought it very beautiful but too good for me. A kind neighbor gave me some of the literature to read, and I became very much interested in it.

I am truly grateful to our Leader for her love and faithfulness in showing us the way to life and peace. It was Christian Science that healed me of rheumatism, indigestion of the bowels, insomnia, gravel stones, and other complications after I had suffered for more than ten years, and the doctors had rendered me every possible aid.

Sixteen years ago last March I attended a talk on Christian Science and came away convinced that if Christian Science was really what the speaker said it was, it must be the Comforter promised in the Gospel of St. John.

Of all the investments I have ever made those in Christian Science have brought the greatest return. The foremost of these have been health, happiness, and contentment, as well as improved financial conditions.