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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Having read the Journal regularly with increasing interest and profit for some time, I would add my testimony as to what Christian Science has done for me. For fifteen years I suffered with bronchial asthma, spinal trouble, constipation, and continual headache.

Five years ago I was in the last stages of nervous prostration. An older brother had passed on with the same disease, and as he had tried medicine, travel, electricity, etc.

It is a little over three years since I was healed through the knowledge of the truth, as taught in Christian Science. Words are inadequate to express my sense of gratitude for the rest and peace which it has brought to me.

If the experience of one who practised medicine for...

If the experience of one who practised medicine for twelve years, and then came to Christian Science, may possibly help others who are in sorrow or trouble over the suffering of some loved one, perhaps quite without hope from medical aid; if it may be the means of bringing to others a fractional part of the joy and blessing that Christian Science is to me and my family now, it will be one more gift of love from the infinite storehouse, and an offering of gratitude to our Leader, who revealed this saving truth to the present age. I have closely watched many instances of the power of Truth in Christian Science to heal disease.

Two children were taken ill in the family, where I, with my daughter of seven, boarded last winter. Materia medica at first pronounced one case measles, the other, the result of vaccination.

I became interested in Christian Science some twelve...

I became interested in Christian Science some twelve years ago, through experiencing the healing power of the Christ-truth in destroying for me internal troubles which had baffled the physicians for three years. I soon began to investigate the teaching, read the text-book and other literature by our dear Leader, Mrs.

Last winter a gentleman, suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, asked for Christian Science treatment. It was given absently.

For the benefit of those who think that we Christian Scientists rely too much upon Science and Health and not enough on the Bible, as our basis or support in healing the sick, I wish to tell of an experience which occurred in my household some time ago. My little boy went out one morning to hunt squirrels.

Over four years ago Christian Science was recommended...

Over four years ago Christian Science was recommended to me for rheumatism, from which I suffered great pain and lost much sleep. I was completely and permanently healed in one week.

For over a year I have thought at times of writing for the Cause of Truth. but have been prevented by such considerations as these: Your most important demonstrations have not been made.