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Testimonies of Healing


For all the blessings that have come to me through Christian Science...

From the February 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For all the blessings that have come to me through Christian Science I wish to-day to express publicly my gratitude.

About four years ago I was healed through Christian Science of a severe stomach trouble. Since my childhood I was troubled with nausea, which grew worse every year. My father was troubled with the same disease, and I remember to have tried several dietetic cures without success. About seven years ago I had such a violent attack of this disease that our family physician sent me to a specialist for nervous diseases. I slept but little, because during the night and also during the day I had attacks which sometimes lasted for hours. I took hypnotic treatment for several weeks and was then dismissed as being healed. About six weeks later these spasmodic conditions appeared again. Again I went to the physician and received electric treatment, but no help. After another experiment, which brought relief for a short time, the disease was again manifested through great excitement and worse than before. In my despair I went to a magnetizer, but found the same result which I had experienced with the specialist for nervous trouble.

I then came to Berlin. The disease had gained such control over me that I could retain but very little food. Even the smell of food caused me nausea. A young lady, an American, told me of Christian Science. I did not oppose her statements in words, but did not go to the practitioner whose address she had given me; I went instead to a homæopathist, the last untried means. After that failed and I grew more miserable, I determined to go to the Christian Science practitioner. Although I read in a Sentinel while she treated me, I did not gain the slightest understanding that Christian Science was a religion; it was for me but a new method of healing. Great was my surprise when my question as to what I might eat, was answered with the words: "Whatever you wish to eat." While on my way home I began to feel hungry, which I had not done for months, and with a good appetite I ate a hearty dinner. From that day on I have been able to eat every kind of food and have never had the slightest return of the old trouble.

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