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Testimonies of Healing

When reading the demonstrations over broken bones or...

From the February 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When reading the demonstrations over broken bones or sprains I have often wondered what I should do did this form of error assail me. Not that I consider the remarkable demonstrations the only good ones. The overcoming of the simplest error, involves an understanding of the divine Principle of all healing.

Just before one of our June communions this form of error came to me. Leaving the car I twisted my ankle, turning my foot completely under, which caused intense suffering. I instantly declared the scientific statement of being, and at the same time placed my foot in proper position, and was able to reach the sidewalk. I walked home, climbed three flights of stairs, constantly declaring the Truth of being. I went directly to the study of the Lesson Sermon, as I thought all fear had been overcome, but when I attempted to rise I found it impossible to stand on my foot, which was swollen to double the usual size, and the leg and ankle also seemed greatly inflamed. Now comes the conflict, I thought, for error did look formidable. "Surely this must be a broken bone," was the aggressive mental suggestion.

I made the effort to walk to my room, and all night the suffering was intense, yet I continued to declare the truth. At daybreak all pain ceased, and the swelling gradually disappeared. In the morning I arose at the usual hour in perfect condition, realizing that the work had been accomplished. "So far as the scientific statement of being is understood, it can be proven; and will bring to light the true reflection of God—the real man, or the new man (as St. Paul has it)" (Science and Health, p. 300).

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