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Testimonies of Healing

I send the following in the hope it may help some other...

From the February 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I send the following in the hope it may help some other when error claims reality. One night some little time ago I was awakened by a noise as of a horse kicking, and running down to the stable, I found a chestnut mare that was under my care, lying on the ground outside, rolling and groaning in the agony of gripes, the result of eating fermented bran. She had broken the feed box and the other stable fittings, had kicked open the door, breaking the hinges, and was lying on the ground outside, apparently suffering great pain. I immediately thought of applying my understanding of God's power, but as she lay so close groaning and kicking, I became bewildered, the agony seemed so real. I walked back to my room filled with conflicting thoughts and took up my Science and Health to read for my own benefit, trying to allay the tumult within. I don't think I had read anything, but I received the help I needed, for the thought came that, despite the evidence, error had no reality, that God was the only reality.

I went back and sat on the step close to the mare and declared the truth, that God is the only reality. In less than fifteen minutes she got up, shook herself, and walked to the gate perfectly healed. All the heaving of the sides was gone, all the trembling had ceased. I opened the gate and let her go down the paddock, went back to my room, and gave thanks to God for the proof He had given me of His great power.

This demonstration made the greater impression as I have had considerable experience with horses, and have seen many similar cases of gripes. Often the attack lasts for hours, during which the horse has to be kept on its feet and not allowed to lie down, and it generally leaves the animal in a very weak condition. That was not so in this case.

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