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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

I have often recalled a statement made by the practitioner...

I have often recalled a statement made by the practitioner to whom I first went for Christian Science treatment. I had suffered and doctored for some three years for a nervous trouble and general wretchedness, without any perceptible improvement, and had reached the point where I felt that life was certainly not worth living.

One evening in February, 1895, while riding with my...

One evening in February, 1895, while riding with my husband in a spring wagon, we were thrown out, the wheel passed over my right limb below the knee and, becoming entangled with my clothing, I was dragged a distance of fifty feet, apparently under the wheel, the horse running away. My husband carried me home in his arms, a distance of half a mile.

For some time I have thought I ought to write of my...

For some time I have thought I ought to write of my healing in Christian Science, but I seemed to be prevented from doing so, many other things keeping me busy. Finally my friends wondered why I did not write my experience for publication, and I concluded that error was preventing me from doing my duty.

Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, Concord, N. H.

Rev. Mary Baker G.

Jesus said to Peter, "Feed my sheep."

Jesus said to Peter, "Feed my sheep. " One way to reach his sheep has been opened to us through our periodicals, whereby we may tell of our healing through the Christ-truth.

I feel that I would be very ungrateful should I longer withhold a statement of some of the blessings I have received from Christian Science. Through the forethought of our beloved Leader, I am enabled to study the LessonSermons at home, and in this way I am gaining an increased understanding of perfect Love which casteth out fear, as will be seen by the following experience.

I should be glad to testify of the help I have received from Christian Science. It was about April of this year (1903) that I first heard about it.

About four years ago I heard of some wonderful healing...

About four years ago I heard of some wonderful healing through the efficacy of Christian Science. I said, "If Christian Science can produce such results in cases of chronic illness, where materia medica is powerless, this teaching must be of God, and must be in conformity with the Holy Scriptures, and I felt a desire to hear more of it.

I wish to express my gratitude for the blessings that have come to me as a result of my trip to Boston to attend the Communion service. Through my healing, I have been interested in the study of Christian Science for several years, and have had the benefit of class instruction, but apathy and indifference have prevented me from ever wishing to attend the Communion services before.

Although I had heard of Christian Science for several...

Although I had heard of Christian Science for several years, it was not until about two years ago that my attention was called to a practical demonstration of what is really meant by Christian Science. My wife, who had been suffering from constipation for over fifteen years, and had received the best medical aid without anything but temporary relief, was completely healed in about ten days by Christian Science.