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Testimonies of Healing

It is now about ten years since I first heard of Christian Science

From the March 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is now about ten years since I first heard of Christian Science. At that time I was in business and had been working very hard during the busy season. For three weeks I had merely tasted of what was on the table at meal time and slept very little. Many times I got up at three or four o'clock in the morning to read a newspaper or anything to keep from worrying. All this time I never got hungry or sleepy, but very weak. There were other symptoms that made my aunt remark, that if I did not see a good doctor soon, it would run into quick consumption. I was afraid whenever in the dark anywhere, so much so that I will not' attempt to express the fear. It seemed as though I could see anything that I would think about. This is one of the many reasons for which I am thankful to Mrs. Eddy for giving us Science and Health, as I know that nothing but reading the chapter on "Christian Science and Spiritualism" over and over, could have lifted me out of this utter darkness into the "Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." I know now that there is but one Spirit, even God, and to commune with this Spirit is to be "in the secret place of the most High."

When I went to Omaha to have my sister go with me to a doctor, she told me she had been attending Christian Science meetings, and that these people healed all manner of diseases by prayer. I told her I needed something more than prayer. I got angry with her for believing such foolishness, and left the room. When by myself I thought that my sister surely cared more for me than did any other in the world, and wanted me to be well and therefore would not advise this, if she did not think it was good for me. So I went to her and told her I would go with her to a meeting, when I would know better what to think about it.

At this meeting I met so many people who told me of their wonderful cures that I decided to take a treatment and buy the book, Science and Health. When I left the practitioner's office and walked down the street, I felt so light and free, it seemed as though my feet did not touch the ground. Heretofore I felt so heavy that I could hardly drag myself along. I did not sleep all the first night, but the fear had left me and I rather enjoyed thinking of all the good that was in store for me. I believe I was healed in that first treatment, but I wanted a few more. I thought I had not paid out enough money to be entirely well. I went right back home and worked in my store from early morning till late at night, but never retired without reading my book and was glad when Sunday came so I could close the store and read all day. It was a long time before I could read with understanding, although I enjoyed it and knew it would help me.

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