Nearly thirteen years ago I was healed by Christian Science, after having been pronounced an incurable by four physicians.
From childhood I was taught that religion and sickness went hand in hand; that sickness was permitted by God in order to make us patient, loving, and "resigned to His will." I could not, however, reconcile this with the teaching of Jesus or with his demonstrations. I had all the diseases of children harder than others, and was told I had inherited a weak, nervous constitution. I was never well and strong except at brief intervals; something was always causing me suffering.
At last I was taken violently ill with spinal and brain troubles. It was the result, as the doctor said, of a severe fall and overwork in city missions. Six months I lay in a dark room, in the greatest agony nearly all the time, which was quieted temporarily by morphine, only to return with redoubled fury. After one year, my home doctor said he could do no more, and I was taken to the city for an operation to save my life, but I was told there that it would do no good, and that I could not stand the shock. I remained there nearly a year, and everything materia medica and kindly, unselfish care could suggest was done. I was somewhat better, yet my friends were told that only a fortune could make my life endurable, as I had no prospect of ever being well.