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Letters & Conversations


[Extract from Letter.]

From the March 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Next Sunday marks an interesting event. The window of the Mother Church containing the picture of the God-crowned woman, east of the chancel, has never been illuminated, as it was against a small air shaft, and the light was obstructed by the wall of the adjacent residence. As you may know, many endeavors at artificial illumination were made some years ago, but all failed, and the picture remained dimly lighted. The obstructing wall has been pulled down this week,— the last of the houses on the lot for the new church having been razed,— and next Sunday will be the first Sunday that this picture has ever been illuminated by the full light of day.

It so happens that the Lesson-Sermon for that Sunday, "Love," contains several references to the God-crowned woman which are even stronger than any given before, as I remember, and it seemed interesting to me that this should occur on the same day, although the lesson was prepared six months ago. I hope this is symbolic of a fuller recognition of our Revelator and her Revelation!

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