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Testimonies of Healing

My grandmother left me two legacies,—her great love...

From the March 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My grandmother left me two legacies,—her great love of the Word of God, and the disease called catarrhal and bronchial consumption. These two legacies were in constant battle, each fighting for the victory over my mortal body, till it was redeemed by the healing power of the Christ-cure.

Among my earliest recollections is one of sitting at my grandmother's knee reading the Bible to her, while she explained to me her conception of God, heaven, angels, Jesus, and his works of healing the sick and sinful, and I used to say to her, "Why don't Jesus heal you of that dreadful cough?" Her answer would always be, "I am a very old lady and I want to die and be in heaven with your grandfather." I could not understand why she could not be healed as well as those spoken of in the Bible, and I wondered over this till I was enlightened by the teachings of Science and Health.

I was a well child up to twelve years of age, then I had a severe attack of lung fever that left me in a condition which would tend to develop the inherited disease, and I never knew a well day till I was healed eighteen years ago.

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