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From the March 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Scientists are more or less interested in every religious enterprise which has for its object the elucidation of Scripture. We have learned to read the Bible with more satisfaction and less superstition than we formerly brought to bear upon Scriptural study. We believe that to Mrs. Eddy has been revealed the spiritual import of the Scriptures, meaning by revelation, a normal, natural illumination through which the spiritual facts become apparent. We believe that Science and Health contains these spiritual statements, and we find by demonstration that the truth in the Bible heals when it is properly understood and properly applied.

We applaud every effort to make plainer the way of salvation; original research, exploration, and critical reviews all serve the purpose of stimulating activity and turning attention to the great subject, "What shall I do to be saved?" and how shall I avail myself of the means already at hand? Christian Scientists are especially interested when they find that some recent discovery or some present-day translation, having taken place after the publication of our textbook, confirms the unique and advanced position assumed by Christian Science on many doctrinal points. We find encouragement in the fact that from time to time other mortals have glimpses of the same universal Truth, and we believe that Christian Science will be fully sustained by the enlightened judgment of the years to come.

If Mrs. Eddy had done nothing more than disentangle the two conflicting accounts of creation in Genesis, she would have contributed to the world of letters and to religious life, that which would entitle her to a high place as benefactor and scholar. (Science and Health, pp. 521-523.)

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