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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

THE feast of good tidings of great joy given to us by I our much loved Journal and Sentinel, only serves as a reminder that, to continue the flow of a fountain its source must be liberally supplied with the waters that have done so much for most of us. Many of us seem to be lacking in the sense of spontaneity which makes the Wednesday evening meetings of our churches such a treat to a receptive listener; and for this reason, there is the greater responsibility for such to tell, through our periodicals, where we stand in this new realm of thought.

It is with a heart full of love to God for the revelation and revelator of Christian Science that I want to tell of some of the beautiful demonstrations we have had on the farm. When Christian Science came to our home, I had not walked for three years, with the exception of a few times when I supported myself on crutches and dragged my feet.

I took up the study of Christian Science thinking it...

I took up the study of Christian Science thinking it might heal me as I had been sick for nine years. My healing was not instantaneous, but each time I would read Science and Health and Christian Science Journals and Sentinels , and realize the truth for myself and others, 1 could see I was benefited, and my children would give me treatments sometimes, and so help me.

Lately these words have been coming to me with much...

Lately these words have been coming to me with much force, "A just acknowledgment of Truth, and what it has done for us, is an effectual help" (Science and Health, p. 372).

I have received so much benefit from the articles and...

I have received so much benefit from the articles and testimonies in our periodicals that I wish to express my gratitude for the same, and to acknowledge some of the good I have received. I turned to Christian Science for the healing it promised.

My experience in Christian Science has, from the first...

My experience in Christian Science has, from the first taste of Truth, been most practical and satisfying, and it is not easy to explain to myself just why I have so long withheld the "just acknowledgment" which our revered Leader says in Science and Health "is an effectual help" (Science and Health, p. 372).

A little more than a year has passed since the beautiful light of divine truth first dawned on my consciousness, through the healing of sickness of more than seven years' duration, and from which the best doctors obtainable could give no hope of recovery. This was accomplished by reading Science and Health and other writings of Mrs.

With the hope that it will help lift some other weary...

With the hope that it will help lift some other weary wanderer out of bondage and into an heritage of freedom and truth, I humbly offer to the Field this brief history of my experience with Christian Science. Three years ago a confirmed dyspeptic, under doctor's care, having tried many remedies without any permanent relief, I was brought in contact with Science by meeting a very dear relative whom I had not seen in many years, and who proved to be a Scientist.

For some time it has been my desire to tell the readers of the Journal what Christian Science has done for me and my family. About fourteen years ago I became a great sufferer from a very severe stomach trouble.

Four years ago, I was a physical, financial, and moral...

Four years ago, I was a physical, financial, and moral wreck. I applied the truths as taught in Christian Science, to these three errors; the physical defects were the first to yield and the most easily overcome.