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Testimonies of Healing

Mine is another story of the power of infinite Love which...

From the April 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mine is another story of the power of infinite Love which maketh free, and this freedom our heavenly Father is ever bestowing upon His Children, upon all those who seek Him truly. It was not physical healing, which brought me into Christian Science, but a dissatisfaction with the old orthodox teaching, a strong desire and striving for something better, higher, more logical and tangible. It was a prayer for light and understanding which was at last answered; and as a result I was lifted out of the depths of misery, doubt, despair, and darkness into the glorious light and liberty of the sons and daughters of God, thus proving, as Mrs. Eddy so beautifully says, that "the desire which goes forth hungering after righteousness is blessed of our Father, and it does not return unto us void" (Science and Health, p. 2).

I was brought up in Germany in the orthodox faith and received instructions regarding religious matters in day school. Among all my studies religion, as it was called, comprising the study of the Bible and catechism, church history and theology, was to me the one which had the least attraction. It always seemed to be extremely dry and devoid of anything to make it interesting. No wonder, then, that after leaving school, I hardly ever attended a church service for years. However, as time rolled on I felt more and more that there was something lacking in my life, something which it appeared some people got from reading the Bible and attending church, something which could and would be found, if sought sincerely and with perseverance.

So, after coming to this country, I commenced to attend service at churches of various denominations. I had long talks with people who were members of these churches, but none seemed to be able to enlighten me.

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