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From the April 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"I Am sick!" What a statement is this; how many times we use it thoughtlessly! It is brought into service on every conceivable occasion as an excuse for not doing one's duty; for not being kind; for not governing one's self and children aright; for not obeying parents and instructors; for not being where one should be, not doing what one should do, not having what one should have. Not until one is healed through Christian Science does he discover that this is a false statement and make an effort to learn the truth.

While possessed of the belief that we are sick, we try some of the many remedies concocted during the four thousand years of the reign of medicine, and are often no better but rather worse in body, temper, and estate. Then, Balaam-like, we find ourselves in the presence of an insurmountable obstacle, and we are forced to ask: What is it? Who made it? Whence did it come? How can I be rid of it? It could not have come from the Mind of Christ, for Jesus, with this Mind, healed all manner of diseases, cast out devils, raised the dead, taught those who are willing to know, what God is, and lifted himself above the world, the flesh, and the devil,—the sum-total of all wrong thinking. The same fountain cannot send forth both sweet and bitter water.

What is the supposed cause of all uneasiness, restlessness, and disease? Is it not a belief that there is something; beside good, and that we have it? Have we not acted in accordance with this belief, and thus prolonged our suffering until we dropped the belief through the recognition of the error as error? When we know the truth and abide in it, we are freed from error, and all discord.

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