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Letters & Conversations


From the April 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

That Christian Science is the religion of Christ Jesus is the position taken by Christian Scientists, and under the leadership of Mrs. Eddy they are demonstrating the same Principle taught by him. That Mrs. Eddy's teachings have not been readily accepted is, in a sense, not surprising, in view of the materialistic tendencies and beliefs of the centuries which have elapsed since Christians expected to heal the sick through their understanding of God as taught by our Master; but, fortunately for humanity, this unbelief is being gradually dissipated through an increasing spirituality, for which Christian Science is responsible.

The document quoted in the following letter, which Mrs. Eddy recently received from a well-known resident of London, is of great interest, because through it Mrs. Eddy's reiteration of the gospel of Christ Jesus is corroborated by the words of the Master himself:—

"Listen, John, beloved of my Father, foolish men thus say in false accusation that my Father fashions their bodies of clay; but by the holy spirit he made all the powers of the heavens, and it was through false accusation that the saints were found having mortal bodies of clay, and by reason of this they were betraved into death."

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