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Testimonies of Healing

I have awakened to the obligation which rests upon all...

From the April 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have awakened to the obligation which rests upon all to send their testimonies out over the Field through our publications.

I came of a family of physicians, my father being a direct disciple of Hahnemann and a leading homoeopathic physician for many years. And yet materia medica, with its highest knowledge, had proven futile to keep with us this beloved father. His illness was called nervous prostration from overwork. As he was the pioneer of homoeopathy in our city and state, all the doctors would call to see him, and each one would prescribe some remedy, until there was an array of vials on his mantel, each of a different name, but there they remained untouched. As we could see he was drifting away from us, we would implore him to take one remedy or another, and I well remember his expression when one day I was urging him to take a new one that a friend had just brought, as he said, "My child, these can do me no good, I know too much about them." And yet he had been a very successful physician.

I myself had long ere this gotten into a condition of semi—invalidism,—chronic headache, neuralgia, susceptibility to colds and sore throat at the least exposure, and an internal trouble that was fast depriving me of participation in the activities of life. Then Christian Science found me, and from all these errors it has healed me. I have for years been a perfectly well, strong woman, abundantly able to meet every duty that presented itself, and to go and come as I please. So entirely have these shadows been obliterated, that it is only when others come drooping under like burdens, that thought reverts to them momentarily, with renewed gratitude for the unspeakable blessing of health.

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