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Testimonies of Healing

I feel that it is my duty and a privilege to express my...

From the April 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel that it is my duty and a privilege to express my...gratitude for some of the many benefits received from the application of the truth taught is Science and Health by Mary Baker G. Eddy. Words are inadequate to express all the benefits received by following its teachings, and I can but briefly refer to some of them. It is a pleasure to testify to the healing of various phases of discord, disease, and sin, through the constant study and application of the truths of the Bible as understood in Christian Science during the past eight years.

I feel that I must express my gratitude to those dear friends who first spoke to me of Christian Science. I can remember with what firmness they spoke of some of the things contained in the text-book, and this created in me a desire to investigate. As I began this search for truth, I found that the half had not been told me. and as a result of this investigation, I do not hesitate to say that this truth is to me the second coming of Christ, the truth that makes men free. As I earnestly perused the pages of Science and Health I found many of the physical ills that seemed to be mine, disappear. Those very thoughts that used to bind, and that seemed so real to my blind sense, gave way to the power of Truth.

I used to be so fearful of violating the so-called laws of health that I was afraid to eat anything but certain kinds of food for fear of indigestion and the ills that attend it, such as rheumatism, nervousness, and many other ailments. These all sank into their native nothingness, but the benefits received physically are not to be compared to the spiritual uplift that Christian Science has given to me. Although a teacher of the Bible in Sunday School for over ten years, this inspired book became more precious to me when I studied it from a Christian Science standpoint, for it teaches me of the immutable law of divine Love, and of a God with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. It proves to me that God does honor every bit of trust we place in Him, and I do feel thankful to divine Principle that we can trust Him for all our need.

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