When I was sixteen years of age I passed through a siege of sickness which was named by physicians, appendicitis. It seemed to be a bad case, as I was confined to my bed many weeks and was afterward weak for a long time. I took medicine under a physician's care until I could scarcely swallow it. Then I rallied and came out of it, but for many years afterward I suffered severely at times from the appendicitis pain.
After being healed of many other ills by Christian Science,this pain left me; when, I never knew, I only knew that I was free.
When we undertook to build our little church here I was attacked most severely by this old ailment. It came upon me so suddenly and violently that I had no time or opportunity to send for help to my faithful teacher who had shown me the way of escape from disease, and I therefore found that I must fight my battle, alone with God. I struggled all night, and by morning had gained such a sense of nearness to God, that I was enabled to rise, dress myself, and take up my day's work. It seemed difficult for me to stand up and dress, but I was drawing upon the storehouse of infinite Love through the prayer of Christian Science.