Testimonies of Healing
When reading the demonstrations over broken bones or sprains I have often wondered what I should do did this form of error assail me. Not that I consider the remarkable demonstrations the only good ones.
I send the following in the hope it may help some other when error claims reality. One night some little time ago I was awakened by a noise as of a horse kicking, and running down to the stable, I found a chestnut mare that was under my care, lying on the ground outside, rolling and groaning in the agony of gripes, the result of eating fermented bran.
It is now about fourteen years since I first heard of Christian Science. A friend who had been healed of a painful malady told me about it, and I was very much interested, asked many questions, and learned all I could about it.
A silent, peaceful prayer of thanksgiving rose from my heart to heaven when I heard the first reading from Science and Health in our late Thanksgiving service: "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings" (Pref. p.
As I have been helped so much and so often by articles in the Journal and Sentinel, I should like to give my testimony to what Truth is doing for me. I realize to some extent the progress I have made, and I do not care to think of what my condition would have been if I had not been led to Christian Science when I was.
In the year 1899, Christian Science was offered to me by a dear friend, but I could not then seem to place myself under treatment. I did, however, attempt the reading of Science and Health, which was done as a duty instead of from a love of Truth.
Our little town was quarantined, school closed, and homes on either side of ours were placarded "Small-pox. " In one of these homes there had been for a few weeks a copy of Science and Health, and the father called to me from the rear door, "Are you afraid to help my daughter?" The reply was, "God will heal your child; I am not afraid to do my part.
My parents were members of the Congregational Church and my early education having been one of love and reverence for holy living I united with the same church at the age of twelve and can never remember a time when the earnest purpose to settle every question on the side of right was not present with me. As time moved on I found my health failing amidst increasing responsibilities in life.
For all the blessings that have come to me through Christian Science I wish to-day to express publicly my gratitude. About four years ago I was healed through Christian Science of a severe stomach trouble.
The blessings obtained through the study of Christian Science are innumerable, not only to the student but to all those with whom he comes in contact. This has been proved true in my own family.