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Testimonies of Healing

It is a pleasure for me to speak of what Christian Science...

From the May 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is a pleasure for me to speak of what Christian Science has done for me. Three years ago I had, to material sense, a very serious illness. After the birth of an infant which I lost I was pronounced a nervous wreck by two attending physicians. I was constantly in dread of something, in fact was so filled with fear that I would not be left alone for a moment. Being a young woman, the doctors said that time alone would heal me, but it might be years before I would be perfectly strong and free from this nervous condition. I was afraid to go anywhere without a little handbag of medicine, and often the sight or sound of the cars would hasten me home. It was only by the very greatest efforts of my family that I ever went out. I was afraid of storms and could not bear to hear of trouble of any kind; indeed, I was completely in bondage to such fear and nervousness that my suffering was terrible, and although I had many comforts in a material way, nothing seemed to allay the dread.

I had known of Science before my marriage, but owing to the position of my husband, I temporarily gave it up. I had then a sad experience with materia medica and was hungering for Truth. After being confined to my bed for three weeks, and with no improvement, I asked my husband for Science treatment, and he readily consented. Before midnight the practitioner was there. I took three weeks' treatment and was so much improved that I took a short trip to the country. In going to the train I began to have the same dread, but it left me almost instantly, and with a slight knowledge of Christian Science I was able to help myself. I returned home feeling much improved and lifted higher in thought, and I also had a desire to study Christian Science. I did so, and have had a wonderful change in my whole being since that time. I have taken class instruction and have been able to see croup, dyspepsia, headaches, colds, and other discords destroyed by the operation and application of the truth.

I attended the Communion in Boston last year, and since that time have experienced much harmony and peace. My gratitude for that trip, and my association with the dear members of the church was more to me than words can ever tell.

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