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From the May 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We say we cannot. Lord and Master dear
Is thy command so very hard to keep?
Must imperfection always claim us here?
And yet Thou callest us Thine own,Thy sheep.

Help us to know that Thou, the Perfect One
Must ever in Thine own reflected be
Since Spirit, God th' eternal Father, Son
Unsevered dwell through all eternity.

Thou sayest. Fear not, 'tis thy Father's will
His heavenly kingdom unto thee to give
So let this promise all our future fill
And teach us in Thy fearless joy to live.

Perfect are we as we abide in Thee
For we are branches of the living vine
Growing in strength, in love, and purity
Filling Thy vessels with Life's choicest wine.

This wine refined shall grace the marriage feast
Where branch and vine united meet in one.
God's child, immortal man, shall be God's guest
Welcomed by Love, as Love's eternal Son.

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