Science and Health says, on page 424, "Seek to be alone with God and the sick while treating the cases confided to your care." If Christ's disciples can always feel sure that cases confided to their care are really given them of God, they will not be burdened with a sense of their own responsibility or limit themselves in proving that "with God all things are possible," while striving, watching, and praying for that mind to be in them which was also in Christ Jesus. God's means of reaching individual cases are as varied as the cases themselves, and even the practitioner cannot foretell the "times or the seasons," but must be ready to co-operate with divine Love in meeting the needs of the patient, and in uncovering sin that it may be confessed, forgiven, and so destroyed, in order that the healing Truth may exert its spiritual power; for it requires an honest heart to understand divine Truth. The light of God's word must penetrate into the dark corners of consciousness and accomplish that whereunto it was sent. The commandments must be kept, and the abiding Love be realized, before all things can become new to the seeker after Truth. Surely, this is the right time for the individual, the church, and the nation; and God is ready to give the opportunity of reaping only to those who have had faith enough to do His sowing.