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Testimonies of Healing

A little more than a year has passed since the beautiful...

From the January 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A little more than a year has passed since the beautiful light of divine truth first dawned on my consciousness, through the healing of sickness of more than seven years' duration, and from which the best doctors obtainable could give no hope of recovery. This was accomplished by reading Science and Health and other writings of Mrs. Eddy.

Few days have passed since, surely not a week, but has given me some demonstrable proof, some undeniable evidence of the efficacy of divine Truth and "Love to meet every human need, to heal all our infirmities both physical and mental, to meet and conquer every error and discord that may beset us.

Prominent among the many evils from which I have been made free is an ailment that was diagnosed by two of our best physicians as gall stone. My suffering was intense. They could do nothing for me but to administer morphine. One of them said I would die in one of those spasms which were then coming as often as once a week. Through Christian Science I was healed. The trouble disappeared after one treatment, and has never returned.

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