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From the January 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IT was stated in a recent issue of a religious publication that science "must continue to mean all that classified knowledge concerning the facts and laws of the cosmos which is accumulated through processes of observation and experiment."

A complete knowledge of the cosmos must include that of its origin and must deal with cause, and "experiment" must include an analysis of the cosmos in the light of spiritual understanding, otherwise we become entirely material both in theory and practice, "God is not in all" our "thoughts," and experimental religion has no place whatever. By experimental religion we do not mean emotionalism, but the result of an understanding of God applied to human conduct and conditions.

If it is not permissible to classify a knowledge of God, Spirit, the only First Cause, as Science, then science and religion will continue forever at war with each other, which is abnormal. Surely true Science must originate with God, the only First Cause, and must therefore be Christian hence the propriety of the name Christian Science.

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