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From the January 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE greatly simplifies our private affairs and public duties. Experience proves that the most complicated situations yield quietly to its serene ministrations. Again and again the Christian Scientist is enabled to realize that, if he but does his part, he will inevitably help all others who may be working with him to do theirs.' His proper mental attitude tends to clarify and harmonize the situation, so that the spontaneous action of divine Love dissolves remaining obstacles, and the only situation which is found to exist is one of mutual co-operation and kindly helpfulness.

That we may, by correcting our own mental attitude, bless ourselves is a cause of great rejoicing, but that we may at the same time extend this blessing to others, without in any way infringing upon their rights, is a cause of greater happiness still and prefigures the millennium. Jesus' saying: "But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you," is constantly dispersing the shadows and breaking the human sense of limitation. The searchlight of truth exposes the instinctive attempt on the part of the human mind to reverse Jesus' advice, and shows that this mind is reaching after the things which "shall be added," before the kingdom of heaven has been attained. This reversal of the true order makes Christian progress impossible, and until the erroneous process is reversed and the true logical sequence of Christian Science is followed, it is useless to expect success. This is the explanation of the help which business and professional men derive from the practical application of Christian Science.

To each member much happiness may come from the fact that what helps one helps all. The Christian Scientist who has studied his lesson intelligently will help the Readers on Sunday as they give forth the message, and those who have the great privilege of declaring the glad tidings, may help their hearers in the same way. In his previous preparation, quietly undertaken at home, each church member helps all the others and blesses the committee whose sacred duty it is to prepare these lessons.

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