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Testimonies of Healing

I have often recalled a statement made by the practitioner...

From the January 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have often recalled a statement made by the practitioner to whom I first went for Christian Science treatment. I had suffered and doctored for some three years for a nervous trouble and general wretchedness, without any perceptible improvement, and had reached the point where I felt that life was certainly not worth living. I could do no housework of any kind without being almost prostrated, and would come home after a walk of a few blocks feeling that I never wanted to make an effort to rise from the couch on which I generally spent the rest of the day.

From such a condition as this I was lifted, in a week's treatment, into the peaceful atmosphere of the understanding of Christian Science. My experience in the past had led me to doubt that anything so satisfying as this could be permanent; but when I said to the Scientist, "This is beautiful, but will it be like everything else? will I grow tired of it in a little while?" she replied, "No; this grows better all the way." And her words have proved true.

The physical health seemed to be pretty well established with the first treatments and there has been but little occasion to work for myself along this line since. But the application of Principle to every detail of daily life, affords constant occupation. One especially encouraging experience stands out. It became necessary for me to earn my own living shortly after having had class instruction, and a position was offered in the statistical department of a large insurance office. The first suggestion that came was that T could not accept it, for figures had always held a peculiar terror for me, and any work with them would result in confusion of thought. But the truer sense then came,— that God governed; He gave me my work; if this was my. work I could do it, if not I did not want it. In the strength of this understanding I accepted the position and could not fail to see from the ease with which this hitherto seemingly impossible work was done, that in very truth God did govern.

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