I have received such marvelous benefit from Christian Science treatment after all other means had proved futile, that I wish to give my testimony for the encouragement of other sufferers, worn and weary from their ailments.
I am a guard in the railway service of New South Wales, and was for many years a terrible sufferer from asthma, during which time I spent quite a small fortune on doctors and their medicines, seeking relief but finding none worthy of the name. Eventually I was compelled to relinquish duty on the coast lines and was given only a fortnight to live. I had to obtain a removal inland to a drier climate. The change was disappointing in results, as it brought no improvement and I continued constantly suffering, being sometimes confined to a chair for two and three weeks at a stretch, as I could not like down in bed; and often when prostrated with a severe attack I have asked God to take me from this world, as it was only misery to live the way I was suffering.
About thirteen months ago Christian Science was brought to my notice by a friend who gave me some copies of the Sentinel, and later on at my request supplied me with the address of a gentleman practising Christian Science in Sydney to whom I wrote, describing my condition and asking him to take my case in hand. After six weeks' absent treatment, for I never saw my practitioner from first to last, I found myself a well man and I have remained so ever since. I also used to suffer with indigestion, and on that account I had to study my diet. This was previous to the treatment for the asthma by Christian Science, but now I can eat whatever I like without any ill effect. Although not treated for the indigestion it, like the asthma, disappeared. I am very thankful to the practitioner who healed me and to Mrs. Eddy, the Founder of Christian Science, for bringing this healing truth to our understanding for the relief of human suffering.