I do not know whether any one in the world has more reason to express gratitude for healing through Christian Science than I have.
In the year 1894, I was taken very ill with chronic inflammation of the spinal cord, and suffered intensely for many weeks. I did not regain my health in spite of the best medical attendance. Although but thirty years of age. I walked about as if I were seventy, and whenever I tried to perform the lightest task, it made me so lame, that I had to creep back to my seat.
Then a magnetic doctor was called in, who forbade all medicine, for he believed drugs to be the cause of my ruin. After a few months' treatment, I was considered well and could do light housework; but in a very short time my health failed again. I was in bed for two weeks, for I could not walk. Then we used all kinds of remedies that were brought to our notice. After that we turned to foreign physicians, who applied electricity, and when their chief physician examined me, he said, that if I did not receive just the right kind of treatment, I must slowly die. It then seemed as if he judged my case accurately, and I therefore submitted to more medical treatment and was promised that I would be well in six months. After a time I could walk about quite well, but the following winter my condition was again as before.