Seek not in this world for its gold,
Seek not for its houses and lands;
But seek to unfetter the hold
Of anger, and tyranny's bands.
Seek not for the power of might,
But seek that your efforts ne'er cease
To live for the good and the right;
Seek this, and you shall find peace.
Seek not for the plaudits of man,
But seek kindly words to impart;
He aids in the Master's great plan
Who lightens a sorrowing heart.
Seek but for the power of Mind
With radiance that comes from above,
Seek only your heart to make kind;
Seek this, and you shall find Love.
Seek not to be great in the strife,
Nor to lead in the turbulent race;
In peace and in love there is life,
And help in the smile of your face.
Seek only to brighten some day,
Seek not that the crowd may applaud;
But seek in the spirit's deep way,
Seek this, and thou shalt find God.