Chicago, June 25, 1903.
Dear Mother:—A number of business men in Chicago meet daily at luncheon. With no other bond of union than that welded by love for God and their fellow-man planted in their breasts by the right understanding of God as revealed in Christian Science; with the strife for gain stilled for a few minutes in the middle of each busy day by the recognition of the Christ ever-presence; with "who shall be greatest" giving way to "who shall be purest," they have welcomed an opportunity to show to you their calm, rock-founded gratitude for the good that has come into every minute of their business lives through your labors, your sacrifice, your love, and your triumph.
They wish the enclosed check to be applied toward the furnishing of your room in the Concord Church. If it can add one comfort to your heart in return for the flood of light and joy poured out to them through you, they will feel blessed indeed.
Yours faithfully,
To Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy,
Pleasant View, Concord, N. H.