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From the August 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Communion service and Annual Meeting, of which a detailed report has been published in the Sentinels of July 4 and 11, 1903, were most largely attended of any in the history of our Cause.

The large number in attendance, the amplitude and adequacy of the provisions for their reception and convenience, the unobtrusive but earnest and continuous enthusiasm which rendered all the meetings, both large and small, so animated and inspiring, the harmony, and Christian fellowship, which prevailed from first to last, and, most important of all, the abounding love and devotional spirit which embraced and quickened all present and which has reached the farthest bounds of our faith, these have given a new and larger meaning to the event, and brought a special occasion for thanksgiving to every heart. That they have also brought great joy to our Leader may be sure.

Her message of love and high spiritual appeal appear in the editorial pages of this issue.

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