Four years ago last June, while in Toledo, O., I was physically healed of numerous ailments, among them chronic indigestion or nervous gastritis, insomnia, and severe rheumatism, all of about ten years' standing.
I had sought many material aids, had traveled far over land and sea, but to no purpose. Finally when a faithful friend and Christian Scientist found me I was wretched enough and gladly took "the cup of cold water in His name." After my physical healing I stood for a little on the mount of revelation and tasted for a moment of the heavenly consciousness. I said that to be in this consciousness I would leave all. I have been made to prove it, for soon death came and with it loss of support, home, friends, all —and yet my prayer was to let nothing separate me from God. Good. To Mrs. Eddy who, by her faithful adherence to Principle, has shown me, through Science and Health, the way, I indeed render thanks too deep for words. To my friends who so faithfully gave me the truth, and all who have since helped and encouraged me, I am truly grateful, and to-day consecrate myself anew to the work of healing.
New York, N. Y.