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From the April 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

RECENTLY, while earnestly conversing with a fellow-student about the urgent want, seen and felt everywhere outside of Christian Science, the above oft-repeated and overflowing quotation from our text-book brought to me a new burst of light. Having in mind relief from some pressing circumstances,—human necessities as judged from the standpoint of the physical senses,— my friend, with the usual complacent and selfish expectation, quoted this well-proved and unselfish promise. While in deep reflection and almost before realizing what I was saying. I answered: "Yes; divine Love meets every human need, and the human need is to love, and always to reflect Love."

Would I could tell the unfolding to me of the spirit and substance of that text since this new dawning! The difference between my present sense of those inspired words, and my past, is the difference between selflessness and selfishness.

Now my "every human need" is to strive for, and to gain, that true sense of love which is the reflection of Love,— of God. This love "seeketh not her own," but enables me to understand the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians, and to realize with St. Paul that the greatest of all attainments, which "now abideth," is love. When starting from this highest standpoint of "human need," everything is changed for the better; and the good effect upon mankind generally is clearly shown in Science and Health (page 518), in that paragraph, so filled with promise, containing the sentence, "Blessed is that mortal who seeth his brother's need and supplieth it, seeking his own in another's good."

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