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Testimonies of Healing

The blessings that have come to me and to my family...

From the April 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The blessings that have come to me and to my family through Christian Science are more than can be recounted. It is with a hope that I may help others as I have myself been helped through letters in the Sentinel and Journal that I write these lines.

Christian Science was first presented to me two and a half years ago. I had been sick for many years, much of the time helpless, and had gradually reached a point where friends and acquaintances looked for my death at any time. I had been a sufferer from asthma in its worst form for years, and every organ of the body was in a depleted condition, apparently refusing further to perform its function. The suffering from dyspepsia was intense, and finally became continuous. At last I reached a point where for weeks at a time I could neither sleep nor eat. Extensive travel, and the many material remedies, each and all not only failed to help me, but left me in increasing despair.

Christian Science came as sunshine to my home, after the storm of long years of suffering. There was much of error to destroy, and the two and a half years of our experience in this Science has meant work, work, work; but no tongue can tell the change it has wrought. The slow demonstration of returning health has been a blessing in disguise, for it has meant progress toward an understanding of Truth. At first I thought to secure the benefits of the healing, and to leave the teachings of Christian Science severely alone. I am happy to say that progress has shown me that Truth did not make that suggestion. My wife and I are now members of Second Church of Christ, Scientist, of this city, as well as the Mother Church in Boston, and rejoice in such progress as we have been enabled to make in a study of this Science.

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