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Testimonies of Healing

I desire to tell through the Journal of my almost...

From the April 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I desire to tell through the Journal of my almost miraculous healing, miraculous to any who have not learned in Christian Science the omnipotence of Truth. In the year 1898 I was under the care of two doctors who told me I was suffering from internal trouble, heart and lung disease, so they thought it desirable to perform a surgical operation. In ten days I underwent four operations, bur to the surprise of the doctors I was no better, but even worse. I was in bed eight months, and was so weak that my life was despaired of and my relatives came to see me for the last time, as they were told I could not live long.

The doctors wanted to take part of my ribs off to see if that would do me any good, but said I must get a little stronger first, so they sent me away for a change. While I was away,. I was so bad they said I had better come home, as they were afraid I should die; but, thanks to our dear Leader, who has shown us the way to live and not to die, I came across a Christian Science Journal, and there read of others having been healed, and as I read, I thought, "that is just what I want," and to-day I thank the Lord with all my heart that He sent the right one to me to teach me the right way. Sometimes I used to think I would give up in despair, as I was a long time in realizing the truth, but thanks are due to the dear one who patiently brought me to Truth. But to-day I thank the divine Master who has given me the victory. I am well and strong, and able to do all my own work. I owe my life to the healing power of Christian Science. I am glad to tell you that my husband and son, who were always ailing, are also Christian Scientists and find God an ever-present help. I should like to add my gratitude and love to Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer coverer and Founder of Christian Science, also to the laborers in the Cause of Truth and Love.

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