Testimonies of Healing
In grateful acknowledgment for daily and hourly blessings and in sweet assurance of joy and peace from God, our ever-present help, I endeavor to give my testimony to the truth of Christian Science. I am assured that it is the whole truth and nothing but the truth; that it can be demonstrated by all people in every nation, and I rejoice to see its growth.
I thought I would write a few lines showing how Christian Science has been assimilated and practically applied by my family of five children who have been in Science five years. They are active members of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Sunday School in this city.
Thanksgiving Day , 1900, was a day to be remembered, not as in the old thought, but of thankfulness to God for the new life which came to me through Christian Science. Four years last June I was treated by a Christian Scientist practitioner for stomach trouble, and was healed.
I became interested in Christian Science in November, 1900. My heart goes out with gratitude to God for the benefits which I have received through this understanding of Him.
Christian Science has been a blessing to me and my family. I will tell of an experience we had about five weeks ago.
It has been about five years since I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker G. Eddy, but being blinded by a previous study of so-called, but spurious Christian Science, and having no true Scientist to talk with, I got very little out of it for two years.
I was first brought to Christian Science about seven years ago through the wonderful healing of my invalid mother, who was afflicted by nervous prostration, and who had not walked a step for nearly thirty years without the aid of crutches. When she was gradually growing worse, and the doctors had given her up with the thought that cancer of the mouth was developing, she was kindly advised to try Christian Science.
Two years ago I knew nothing of Christian Science. My mother had been under the care of physicians for ten years or more.
As I lay aside the worn-out copy of Science and Health, and take up the new edition, the desire comes to thank the author for this great labor of love, and to tell just a little of what this wonderful book has done for a family of eight. Four years and a half ago, it came into our home a stranger; for living in a small town where Christian Science was little more than a name, we had never heard of it, until cue day my father, who had been reading an old Journal sent by a friend, said, "I wish I could get that book they all write about.
At the Wednesday evening meeting, September 10, in the Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Chicago, the following testimonies were offered:— A lady said that a few nights before, her little daughter was suddenly attacked by a violent headache and a firm setting of the jaws which she declared interfered with her breathing. She was evidently suffering severely and screamed with the pain and fear.