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Testimonies of Healing

It was in August, 1893, while living in Kansas City,...

From the March 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was in August, 1893, while living in Kansas City, Mo., that Christian Science was first presented to me. Previous to that time I knew nothing of it, except occasional adverse criticisms, which I read in the newspapers, and the comments of others as ignorant of the subject as I; consequently, I thought it was something no intelligent person would consider for a moment, and felt no desire to know anything of it.

Finally I had a severe illness, from which I seemed unable to rally, and after consulting a specialist, the sentence was pronounced that I could not get well, and that there was nothing to do but make me as comfortable as possible for the little while I remained.

One day my sister brought me a Christian Science Journal, given to her by a friend to whom she had told my condition, and who suggested that I take treatment, at the same time telling of her own wonderful healing. Despite my prejudice I read the Journal as requested.

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